5 reasons to start with blogs

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Actually, you want to write a book, not a blog. Or an article for your industry magazine. To be honest, the idea of blogging makes you feel a bit crook in the belly – it’s not really for you.

That's OK. What we mean by ‘blog’ both in this article and in our workshops, Blogs and Beyond, is ‘a short piece of writing’. Starting with a short piece and taking it b-e-y-o-n-d your expectations. (Nice, huh?)

It could be an article for your newsletter or that industry journal. It might be an opinion piece for the newspaper. A Facebook or LinkedIn post. Heck, put a few ‘small pieces of writing’ together and you’ve got the makings of the first chapter for your book!

Short pieces of writing:

  • Are small, so doable, achievable in short time frames. (No more, ‘I don’t have time’. If you have time for a coffee, you have time to draft a blog.)

  • Using our Handy Blog Template, they're easily repeatable. With practice, you can write as much content as you need as often as you need it.

  • Force you to distill your ideas. (There is only room for exploring one idea in the blog format of 300 to 500 words.)

  • Train you not to waffle. (See point above.)

  • Develop your unique voice, which builds confidence

  • Build your collateral to the point where you can publish longer pieces, if that’s your goal.

In summary, starting small never hurt anyone!

May your words pour onto the page, 

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If these steps seem a couple too many for you, come along to these workshops. We’ll have you off and running in half a day.