Collaborwriting – it’s a thing!


We’re excited here at ASTT HQ, having had our first email query with the subject heading: Collaborwriting.

The word is out!

Collaborwriting combines ghostwriting, editing and story coaching in whatever combination the author needs, with the idea that you learn skills and gain confidence as you write the actual content you need to publish. (Brilliant, huh?)

You learn by us showing you the editing process we undertake to improve your blog, chapter, article, webpage, etc. We provide personalised tips, tools and exercises for you to develop whichever skills you need as you evolve.

The April/May edition of Writers Victoria magazine is dedicated entirely to collaboration. It’s nice to be tapping into the zeitgeist, but taking it one step further ;-).

With collaborwriting, our aim is that in three months, eight months, twelve … you don’t need us anymore. Perhaps you’ll just flick your perfect prose over for a quick proofread before publishing. Or perhaps you won’t!

We’ve been doing ‘this thing’ for years with our long-term clients at A story to tell, but we’ve only just made up a word for it, and created an official ASTT offering. And here’s what we’ve learnt – this service suits clients who:

  1. Want to improve their written communication

  2. Enjoy throwing words together, even if they feel they’re not very good at it, yet

  3. Are willing to allocate time and effort into developing their writing skills.

Unlike its cousins, ghostwriting and copy editing, as part of the process collaborwriting develops the author’s confidence and skills. It’s empowering and educative, flexible and supportive.

Sounds just like what you need? Get in touch so we can nut out your needs.

May your words pour onto the page, 

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