I've written a book - what do I do now?


You've had the idea. You've written some thoughts, maybe a few chapters. Now what?

At A story to tell ... we get enquiries from people at every single stage of the writing process, from first ideas to page proofs.

It can be hard to know what to do with your precious work. So many questions ... Does the idea have wings? Is the writing good enough? Is this work publishable? Or the more practical: I think I've written a book - what do I do now?

Many of the questions are unanswerable.

Q: Does the idea have wings?

A: Of course! Any and all ideas have wings. But have you or will you develop it beyond idea stage? (We can help you do this.)

Q: Is the writing good enough?

A: Generally, the answer is 'no', which is why people come to us in the first place. (We can also help you do this!)

Q: Is this work publishable?

A: Only a publisher can answer that. We can make comment on narrative arc, character strengths and weaknesses, point-of-view choices, the quality of rhythm and tone, setting, dialogue, the balance of scenes and summary, etc. but we can't tell you whether or not it's publishable because A Story to Tell is not a publisher.

Our writers, editors and story coaches, start with you and your work wherever you are. The business is unique in that we listen to your thoughts, questions, worries and dreams, and advise where to take your project from there.

Our clients often return after weeks and months of 'home' work, say, developing their plot structure or refining the expression of their main idea or redrafting a short story, to then take their novel, business book or short story to the next stage.

At other times we work intensely with clients flinging drafts and redrafts to and fro daily, if not hourly, to meet a report, competition or publishing deadline.

Whatever the project you have bubbling away, be sure that ASTT staff will listen to you and respond to your needs.

We're big enough to have a suite of staff who can cover every genre (even those not yet devised!) and we're small enough still to care about each and every client that steps through the (virtual) door. We're happy to answer any and all questions no matter how naive.

And the first twenty-minute consultation is free! So, get in contact with to see if ASTT is the right fit for you and your precious words.

May your words pour onto the page,